Monday, June 30, 2008

Miss McKenna!!

She is now four months and is a well behaved little lady. She smiles when you talk to her and is such a good baby.

She is getting to be so big and looks much like her daddy. She loves her daddy. He can make her laugh for a long time. Yesterday he threw her in the air and caught her and it normally freaks me out, but she was just laughing away. Then there are times when daddy loves her cute pouty face and makes a scarry noise just to see it. Just wait daddy she will use that pouty face sure enough later when she wants something!

She loves her brother. They are buddies. When i put her down for tummy time, she does not like it one bit, but big brother comes to the rescue and flips her back over. When she cries, Mason says "Nenna crying, Nenna crying" over and over until i go and do something about it. They are so cute together. He already has that big brother protector instinct. Its funny how they interact with each other and its something that you don't teach them, its just something that they learn on thier own.

1 comment:

Merilee said...

He's such a cute big brother. I feel bad we didn't end up getting together. We need to plan something soon. This Saturday?? I'll call ya.