At first I thought Mason would be to young to understand...but he did quite well. We only went to the houses of friends and family and a ward trunk or treat. The people would give him a bowl of candy and say ok here have some and Mason with his little two pinching fingers would only take one piece of candy. And most of the time it was a yellow wrapper or a lollipop. At the trunk or treat a dentist was passing out toothbrushes. He loved that one. I loved his costume...OLD NAVY for $16.00 and some change. I got it in September so all the infant clothes and costumes were 25% off. Such a steal! If you can't tell he is a dragon. Well I guess I am going to have to get creative next year, for when I have two kids. There was a family at my work and she had a little girl dressed up a tinkerbell and the older boy was Peter Pan, the dad Captain Hook and the mom was Wendy. It was too cute!!

Mason looks so cute as a dinosaur. I'm so impressed he kept the costume on. Colby wouldn't even think about keeping his on.
He's the cutest dino I've ever seen! Please tell Scott Congrats for passing the BAR- Troy peeked at the results the other day. Hope you 4 (!) are doing well.
Mason is such a cutie!
What a darling little dinosaur costume. I love it!
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