Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fun at Wheeler Farm.

Mason and his friend Hayden went to Wheeler Farm's Scarecrow Festival. There they got to pick a pumpkin out of the pumpkin patch and paint the pumpkin. Then they got to ride a wagon pulled by a tractor through the farming land. They saw cows, pigs, sheep, horses, duck pond, river, and a lot of cool scenery. The ride at times was bumpy but went pretty fast. The mommies (Merilee and I) had to hold onto to our kids pretty tight (while trying not to fall off ourselves). They also had adult crafts and you could have built your own scarecrow. But we decided just to do the kiddie activities. It was a blast and the kids had a great time doing it! You know when the activity was successful is when you get home and your kids take a nap with no fussing!


Merilee said...

That was way fun! Thanks again for inviting me. I wasn't so lucky with the nap thing though..Hayden has been refusing to take naps quite often!

Lexi said...

Oh my goodness- he is getting soooo adorable Rebecca! We miss you guys here!

Shuldberg Family said...

Looks like you guys are having fun. Congratulations on the next baby. Keep in touch.

Jen Trost said...

i wanna see some pregnant Rebecca pictures!!! Please?!