Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Mason finally understood the concept of Halloween this year. He went up and rang the doorbell said trick or treat got his candy and ran to the next door. McKenna followed suit. She even said Trick or treat and thank you. This year we dressed them up as Woody and Jessie. McKenna really wanted to be Woody, but i told her no and let go as Jessie, letting her think she was Woody. I hand made the costumes this year. because my sewing machine was in storage, i had glued the pieces together. During our ward's trunk or treat Mason's vest started to fall apart and i had to safety pin it together. i finally borrowed a friend's sewing machine and stitched up Mason's vest. they had a great time and it was fun!

1 comment:

Merilee said...

Look at you go crafty woman! They look SO cute!