Saturday, February 2, 2008

sorry guys no pictures, just an update

I promise I will have some more pictures and updates. Right now I just don't have time. So uncomfortable and ready to be done being pregnant. I only have 3 more weeks to go. And some people say i look like i have a few months to go, but believe me it doesn't feel like it. I am still carrying high and she is constantly in my ribs. My ribs have never hurt so bad before with Mason. She is going to be a fiesty one. Still a lot of heart burn so I can imagine a lot of hair! Scott and I still can't agree on a name but if it was Mason's choice it would be Minnie. He loves Mickey and MInnie MOuse and the Little Einsteins. anytime we need to get something done we put on his show and let it run for about 30 minutes to an hour depending on what we are doing. Thank goodness for TIVO!
Mason hasn't quite got the concept that a new baby is coming so I am so scarred on his reactions. He loves other kids and loves to help the other baby in the house but at first he attacked the baby. I call it "love taps". But we will see how it goes. Hopefully he will adjust well and fast. And he is talking so much. I love hearing him trying to say new words. Its not the full word but at least you can kinda understand what he's saying. Then there are those days that he just keeps repeating a word and i am like " honey, i still don't understand what you are saying" and he repeats the word even louder as if i said i can't hear what he is saying. too funny.
Scott's firm is picking up and doing well. I think he is very happy with the decision he made to go out on his own. He even still gets to do the things he likes to do : go fishing, hunting, golfing, church ball, and playing with Mason.

Well I hope everyone and their families are doing well and I will be sure to post pictures of our new family member and post pregnancy pictures soon. We miss everyone!


Jen Trost said...

Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear what's going on in your life. I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures, too :) I hope the next few days go by quickly for you - your poor ribs :(

Janelle said...

Hi Rebecca, you've been tagged! Please see the instructions on my new blog at:

Good luck with the baby! I'm sorry she has been in your baby never got in my ribs and has already dropped so life is good on this end besides the fact I still can't walk well :)


Nicole said...

PICTURES!!! Congrats, by the way!!

Shuldberg Family said...

Congratulations on the new one.

Jen Trost said...

Congratulations on your new baby!

Janelle said...

I'd love to see some pictures :)